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Our advice on choosing the right extracurricular activity for your children

par | Apr 5, 2021 | Lifestyle, Parents

The extracurricular activity, but what is it? Is it really necessary? If so, which one to choose? How do you choose? That's a lot of questions running through your head. No need to panic, Kidlee is here. We tell you everything you need to know about the extracurricular activity! So you can be sure to make the right choice. 

What is the difference between extracurricular and co-curricular activities? 

Here is the definition of these twoafter the Ministry of Education.

After-school activity: 3 children leaving school
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Extracurricular time, or time for extracurricular activities immediately before or after school, i.e. : 

  • After school, supervised studies, school accompaniment, cultural or sports activities, 
  • Wednesday afternoon; 
  • The after-school time located in the evening, on Wednesdays when there is no school, on weekends and during the vacations.

Is extracurricular activity essential?

Drum roll, the answer is no. Your child just needs to have something to do after school. For example, an outing to the park, a game of soccer, or some fun activities with a babysitter. This will be more than enough for your child to thrive. Overall, you need to provide an environment that allows for the child's development.

Why add one or more activities?

Yes, certainly to keep your children busy, but not only. Extracurricular activities have many advantages. They allow the child to : 

  • Get out of your comfort zone.
after-school activity : Children who jump
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  • Improve motor skills.
  • Gain confidence in yourself.
  • Socialize with new children.
  • Relax for a moment.
  • Develop new skills.
  • Discover that learning is infinite.
  • Gain autonomy.

How to make the right choice?

Extracurricular artistic, sports or musical activities. There are so many choices that you don't know where to start! So, here are a few things to consider when deciding.

What is the nature of your child?

If your child is a real go-getter who doesn't burn out, you might as well choose a physical activity. If he's a team player or you think he's ready to develop team spirit, you can opt for team sports like soccer or basketball.

However, if he's more of a solo player, you might as well choose individual sports like swimming or individual martial arts.

Your child is rather quiet and shy? Perhaps an activity such as drawing or painting will do him good!

Has he or she ever shown a real interest in the world of music? Maybe even for a particular musical instrument! So, it is better to let his or her artistic soul express itself as soon as possible by enrolling him or her in a musical activity.

Extracurricular activity: parents discussing with their daughter
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The choice of the extracurricular activity is made in two ways 

After all, the child is the first one concerned by this choice. And the main goal is for them to enjoy it. So, if the activity is not to his taste, he may quickly get bored.

That's why you should not hesitate to discuss with him to determine his desires and needs. Moreover, you can always suggest something new so that he can think outside the box.

The budget

By registering your child for several activities, the bill can quickly climb. Therefore, we strongly advise you to check out the leisure centers to see if there are any free activities. Also, you should know that you can benefit from'aid for extracurricular activities.

The timing and location of the extracurricular activity

Playing tennis and violin, in the same week, sounds great. But is it feasible? Distance too long, time slot too tight, so you might be overwhelmed.

This is when a super baby sitter Kidlee is coming! He or she will pick up your child at the end of school and drop him or her off right on time for the activity.

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