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10 questions to ask your babysitter

par | Sep 8, 2020 | Babysitting tips, Parents

Today, it is more and more common for parents to use a babysitter. This allows parents to entrust their children to a person they can trust and who meets their needs. But as we know, this is easier said than done, or rather easier to find! It is not, indeed, a question of betting on just anyone!

So to avoid unpleasant surprises, it is better to take the time to choose the rare pearl. To be sure to find someone you trust, it is important to ask the right questions during the first interview. This is the best way to make sure you don't make a mistake!

1. Why do you babysit?

Before anything else, it is essential to know the motivations of the future babysitter of your children. There are still students today who are looking to make ends meet but who do not necessarily have a taste for childcare. This question will also allow you to learn more about the personality of the person in front of you. It is important not to start an interrogation right away but to get to know the person little by little!

2. Do you have experience as a babysitter?


As with any job, experience is an important part of the hiring process. Obviously, a person who has experience with children will be more comfortable from the start. Whereas a person who is new to the job will need a little time to get used to all the little tricks. On the other hand, even if experience is a plus, it does not guarantee that it will go better. It is quite possible that during the interviews, a babysitter with less experience will be more comfortable than another one.

In addition, experience with children can be with younger siblings or even a few days spent with younger cousins. You don't have to have years of school experience to be an ideal babysitter for your children! Babysitting within the family circle counts too!

3. What would you do in this situation?

When babysitting, regardless of the age of the children, there are always unforeseen circumstances. Each person reacts differently to an emergency situation of course. But it is important that your babysitter knows how to adapt to this kind of situation.

It is therefore interesting to put the future babysitter in a situation to better determine her reaction and skills. To test your babysitter, present her with a problem situation and ask her how she would handle it. For example, if the children adamantly refuse to go to bed or do their homework.

To make it even more realistic, don't hesitate to involve your children who will have an even more appropriate attitude.

4. Which age group do you prefer?

It is not uncommon for a babysitter to prefer to take care of very young children or slightly older children. This does not mean that it is not appropriate for your children, on the contrary! Don't hesitate to discuss it with her so that she can adapt to it.

The age range plays an important role in babysitting. Babysitting a 3 year old child requires a lot of attention and he will be looking to play with you. Whereas a 10 year old will spend more time doing homework and playing independently.

It is therefore also important to talk about the approach, the habits of your children, their rituals during the day. This can also serve to put the babysitter at ease, to reassure her as much as you!

5. What types of activities do you offer?

Another essential point: a babysitter who offers activities The fact that you have to be able to provide a variety of services to your children is an undeniable plus. A babysitter who spends several hours with your children should keep them occupied without getting bored. Rather than leaving them in front of screens, a babysitter who will adapt to your children's hobbies and propose fun manual activities is ideal, no?

What type of play would she do with your children? Are outings possible? With children she previously cared for, what was the experience like in terms of outings?

By asking these questions, it will give you an overall picture of what she plans to do with your children in your absence.

There are sitters who are creative and resourceful by nature. And there are others who do training like at Kidlee to renew their ideas and then propose them to your children. Something for every family!

6. How flexible is your schedule?

As you know, it can happen that a meeting at work lasts longer than expected, that the subway takes its toll or that there is a last minute emergency in your daily life!

So what could be better in this case than a babysitter who adapts to your constraints?

For this, it is important to ask her beforehand if she is willing to stay later in the evening or if she has other constraints. This also allows you to enjoy a romantic evening that was not planned! A good plan, isn't it?

7. What do you like to do in your free time?

A question that may seem a little off-topic when interviewing a future babysitter, but it can be very relevant and revealing. It not only allows you to get to know them better but also to find out about their interests. For example, a babysitter who likes to draw a lot will enjoy doing so with your children more than a babysitter who spends his or her free time watching movies.

Thanks to this question, it will be easier for you to identify the personality of the person in front of you. This will make it easier for you to make your final choice and perhaps even make the difference with another person!

8. How do you deal with children's tantrums?

Regardless of your child's age, it's perfectly normal for them to have moments that are more difficult than others. What child doesn't throw tantrums, right? Whether it's when you're leaving, to get something they really want or even because they're tired. And as we know, when faced with this situation, you have to be able to react well so as not to give in to his whim and without being too authoritarian. It's all a question of know-how!

Thus, it may be worth asking this question to get a better sense of how your future babysitter might react. Parents who have a particularly difficult child to deal with will be pleased to see that this person will be able to handle their child's tantrums with ease.

Don't worry, it can also happen that it goes much better with a third person and that she won't have to face this kind of situation at all. But you never know what might happen after all!

9. What do you like to do most as a babysitter?

Sometimes the prospective babysitters who show up have prepared for this interview well in advance. With practice and preparation, they are able to answer many of your questions perfectly. But do they really tell you everything?

Someone who tells you "I love taking care of children and it doesn't scare me at all!" may sound a little curious and rote learned. So if you want to know more, don't hesitate to ask her that question. Maybe she'll come up with some other arguments that will convince you even more!

10. What do you find most difficult with children?

Yes, we have to be honest: babysitting is not always a rosy picture! There are also more difficult moments.

As parents, you too have times when you pull your hair out, right? It's perfectly normal after all!

It is therefore obvious that your future babysitter will also go through this process. But this question is not a trap, quite the contrary! It will allow you to know more about the candidate's honesty and personality. By knowing about his or her difficulties with children, you will be even more capable of helping him or her and finding solutions together to avoid them.

And now it's in the bag! After getting to know her and discussing a number of babysitting topics, you should now have all the information you need to make your decision. Without forgetting that the gestures and the current are an integral part of your choice and that you should not neglect them!

Perhaps you are still hesitating to have your child looked after by a babysitter? Don't hesitate to take a look at here then!

It's up to you now!