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How much does a live-in nanny charge? Don't be fooled again

par | Mar 24, 2021 | Parents

If you are about to hire an in-home nanny for your children's care, but are having trouble figuring out the cost of this service, don't worry, Kidlee can help you. In this article, we have gathered all the information you need to help you determine the right rate for an in-home nanny.

What is the rate for a live-in nanny? 

nanny at home rate: a person doing the math

According to the'URSSAF The basic remuneration of your in-home childcare provider must respect a minimum hourly wage (part of which is covered by your Caf/MSA within the framework of the CMG of the Paje (childcare benefit for young children). This amount is paid directly to you by the national center Pajemploi. However, a minimum of 15 % of the remuneration will remain at your charge.

The minimum gross hourly wage for a childminder in France is 10.85€. Once social security contributions are deducted, this amounts to 8.49 € net.

The minimum net salary of your nanny cannot be less than 1474 € net per month if she works full time.

But you can't stop there! Several parameters must be taken into account when determining the price of baby sitting.

Nanny rate : age of the babysitter

The age of your nanny may allow you to make savings. Indeed, the childcare rate varies with age according to the National Collective Agreement for employees of private employers.

Between 14 and 16 years old: the baby sitter can be paid 80 % of the SMIC.

Between 17 and 18 years old: it can be paid 90 % of the SMIC. 

The nanny at home rate by region 

Depending on the region, the hourly rate for a home nanny can be higher or lower. For example, at the top of the list is the Île-de-France region. So remember to ask other parents how much they pay to have their children looked after. 

Remember that after your proposal as an employing parent, it is up to the in-home nanny to judge whether her net salary offer is attractive or up for negotiation.

The number of children

nanny at home rate: 3 children playing.

More is more! In other words, the more children there are, the more the homecare rate can increase. But not to the point of multiplying the minimum wage by the number of children! 

But rest assured, with Kidlee, the number of children has no impact on your home childcare rate. You only pay for the hours of care provided by your baby sitter and not one euro more!

Age of the children 

The younger the child, the more attention they need. You will need a nanny who is experienced in early childhood care and can meet the needs of younger children. As a result, your nanny's salary will be higher. The age of the children can also have an impact on the cost of baby sitting.

Nanny rate : nanny's experience

You will feel more comfortable leaving your child with a nanny who has been babysitting for several years. A luxury that may cost you more than you expect. Also, if your baby sitter has a degree in childcare, for example, you can expect a higher rate because the qualification of the top nanny is paid for.

Additional costs 

Additional fees may be charged.

- Transportation costs: to avoid them, do not hesitate to accompany your baby sitter.

- Possible overtime.

- Paid vacations.

- Compensation in case of cancellation. If you did not inform the young man or woman at least two hours before the beginning of the baby sitting.

- Meal expenses.

Hourly or flat rate nanny at home? 

Did you know that you have the option of paying your nanny by the number of hours worked or by the job? If you don't have a fixed schedule, it's best to set a nanny rate by the hour. On the other hand, if you know exactly when you need your baby sitter, it is wiser to opt for a fixed price. So, for example, to keep your children on the evening of the 31st, you will pay a fixed price that you will have previously agreed with her. After that, don't forget that some days like Valentine's Day or New Year's Eve are more expensive than others! 

How to reduce or find the right nanny rate? 

Here, we propose 3 solutions to have a less expensive bill.

An au pair girl

She joins the host family to take care of the children and help with the household chores if this is stipulated in the contract. Because yes, there is a contract to sign for social security. So, the au pair will have to take care of the children from the moment they wake up until about 8 pm. She will have to dress them, prepare breakfast, accompany them to school, bathe them and help them with their homework in exchange for accommodation and food. You will need to provide pocket money or an income set by the family, usually between 250 and 350 euros per month.

Shared custody

Do your neighbors have children? Do they need a babysitter too? So, what do you think of the idea of having their children and yours looked after at the same time? This is the principle of shared childcare. A formula that allows you to divide the cost of childcare by two.

A 0 hassle in-home nanny at a fair and equitable rate with Kidlee!

Don't forget that you can always save yourself all the research, administrative hassles, charges and financial calculations by using a solution that offers fair rates for parents as well as babysitters. Sounds like a dream come true, doesn't it? You should know that the registration on Kidlee allows parents and babysitters alike to benefit from an equitable and fair service: so that each family can offer their child quality childcare, Kidlee pays its caregivers up to 17 euros gross per hour while guaranteeing parents an affordable rate (between 3 and 4 euros per hour after dedicated subsidies) and without additional costs. You want to know more about lhe Kidlee Childcare ? Just call on one of our great consultants by clicking on HERE ! Our specialized consultants will be happy to answer your questions.

The last word

Finally, the best way to decide on the right rate for baby sitting is to talk to the baby sitter or the intermediary who provides the service. If you have too many hours, for example, you can ask for a preferential rate. Also, regardless of the type of care chosen for their children, all parents have the opportunity to benefit from certain financial aid which considerably reduce the cost of their childcare. To benefit from this program, the hourly volume of childcare must exceed 16 hours per month.