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The Kidlee eco-responsible sponsorship: or how to plant trees in just a few clicks! !

par | Aug 17, 2021 | News, Lifestyle

Kidlee announced on June 1st: we are becoming even more eco-responsible and our green actions are getting stronger! Indeed, our teams are constantly working to ensure that playful childcare always rhymes with eco-responsible childcare. And this, to actively contribute to the preservation of our planet. Thus, as our ecological approach is constantly evolving, we are pleased to announce the launch of the eco-responsible sponsorship Kidlee !

At Kidlee, sponsoring is above all allowing someone you know to discover an innovative childcare service that corresponds to your values and needs.

Today, sponsoring with Kidlee means promoting the well-being of children, parents and babysitters. And that, while contributing to the preservation of our precious environment. 

By the way, would you like to help us plant a forest?  ???

Playing a vital role in the survival of humanity, reforestation or reforestationIt is more than essential to actively contribute to the repair of the damage suffered by nature in order to preserve the latter and to preserve our life cycle on earth at the same time... It is indeed, more than essential, to contribute actively to the repair of the damage undergone by nature in order to preserve the latter and to preserve our life cycle on earth at the same time...

How does Kidlee plan to participate in reforestation with its community?

We explain it all to you!  ?

Discover Kidlee's responsible sponsorship!


As a thank you for helping our community of parents and sitters to grow and expand, we pledge to plant a tree for each of your referrals!

In fact, our new eco-responsible sponsorship system can be summarized in one sentence:

1 Kidlee sponsorship = 1 tree planted!

All this at no cost to you! And that's not all, whether you are a parent or a babysitter, your on-call hours also allow you to participate in reforestation

 Isn't that great?

How does it work? 

To sponsor your friends and family and participate in our reforestation project in just a few clicks: 

  • Log in as a parent or babysitter at kidlee.fr 
  • Access your referral area from your Kidlee dashboard 
  • Enter the emails of the people (parent or babysitter) you wish to sponsor  

Kidlee commits to planting a tree as soon as your sponsors sign up! You can then track your sponsorships from the table at the bottom of the page. 

So you can be proud! The entire Kidlee community is helping to recreate green spaces for our beloved planet.  ???

We can't wait to give you news about this beautiful forest! In the meantime, share the movement with your friends and family!