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Covering letter for a job application: our top 4 tips for writing it well!

par | Mar 23, 2022 | For babysitters

If a few days ago we gave you the keys to have a top Parcoursup file, this time we will focus on a specific point. That of the Parcoursup cover letter, or in other words, the reasoned educational project. So, yes, we see you coming: " the cover letter will not be read, so you might as well not bother.  "So think again, because the cover letter for Parcoursup, has all its importance. Especially when it comes to selective programs. It is therefore more than essential to express your motivation for each of your wishes! So, let's go, we'll show you the tips and tricks to write your motivated training project and make a letter as it should be.

First, do you have any idea of the Parcoursup 2022 timeline?

According to theInternet userHere are the dates to remember for Parcoursup:

Planing parcoursup
  • Until March 29, 2022: you can make wishes. You can make up to 10 wishes and good news, there is no hierarchy.
  • Up to and including April 7, 2022: after you have formulated your wishes, you can put together your file and confirm your wishes. You have until April 7 to submit your cover letters! 
  • June 2, 2022: the main admission phase is officially open and with it come the decisions of the higher education institutions. The institutions' answers are coming in and for each positive answer, you have a period of time to say yes or no.
  • June 23, 2022: launch of the complementary phase. This phase will only concern you if you have not received an admission proposal or if you are not satisfied with the proposals received. As a result, you will be able to formulate new wishes until September 16.
  • July 15, 2022: end of the main phase, it's time to choose your course and register. 
  • Before the end of July 2021: this is the time for administrative registration in the university. Please note that registration rules vary from one institution to another.
  • September 16, 2022: end of the complementary phase and bye bye Parcoursup!

Our tips for a top-notch Parcoursup cover letter

We start with the base

You should not mention your first and last names in your cover letter, as these are already included in your profile. However, we strongly advise you to mention the name of the institution and the name of the desired course.

Make an outline for your Parcoursup cover letter 

Having a plan from the start will make it much easier to write your cover letter and put forward your professional project. Here is what we suggest:

Cut out the parts of your letter and list the important things to mention in each part.


You can start your letter with the facts as they are, "I would like to apply for the course...". One or two lines are enough to express your request and get straight to the point.

A little bit about yourself:

Now, you can introduce yourself shyly in order to personalize the letter and express your motivation to enter this training. Why do you want to do it? What motivates you in this course? And so on.

A large part of it is about your skills and experiences that make you the perfect fit for this course:

So, no, it's not self-centeredness. Be honest, be real! Don't hesitate to highlight your educational background, your previous experiences and your qualities, and to make the link between these and the training you want.

Show that you have mastered your subject:

If you apply for this course, it's because you really want to join it. So, you know the characteristics of the training! This is a plus, and it is important to mention it by quoting, for example, that joining your school/training will be an opportunity... Finally, you can close this paragraph by adding a part on what this training will bring you.


Summarize the main points of your letter and boost your motivation. Don't forget the polite words at the end. It may sound a bit clichéd but it is really necessary. Here are a few examples: 

  • I thank you in advance for the attention you will give to my application
  • Looking forward to your reply
  • Hoping that my application will get your attention
  • I hope that through this letter my application meets your expectations...

You will find a lot of letter templates that will help you to choose your greetings, but also, to write a well organized and efficient letter just here !

Motivation for the cover letter parcoursup

Beware of repetition! 

200-250 words or 1500 characters is not a lot for a cover letter, once you get to college you'll understand what we're talking about. But if this is your first cover letter, we understand the fact that you may have some difficulties. We really advise you to be careful with the repetition.

For this, Google will be your friend. If a word is repeated, you just have to look for its synonym on Google and that's it. You can also check a thesaurus!

Ask the older kids to read your cover letter

Whether it's your big brother, your big sister or your parents, don't hesitate to ask for their advice. Especially to correct spelling mistakes if there are any. You can also ask Scribens This is one of the best spellchecking sites, but proofreading by a third party can only be beneficial.

Pssst, soon a student? The best student job is with Kidlee!


Babysitting is more than just a student job. It is a vocation. An activity that creates a special bond between the child and the babysitter. The babysitter becomes a real mentor who guides the child in his development and learning while also learning from him.

So if you love children and have had at least one significant experience in childcare, do not hesitate to register on our site just here ! In order to benefit from a great student job and to live serenely your student life with the Kidlee smart-baby sitting.