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Home " Special Edition " Take advantage of a quality partnership between Kidlee and Swim Stars to introduce your children to the benefits of swimming.

Take advantage of a quality partnership between Kidlee and Swim Stars to introduce your children to the benefits of swimming.

par | Aug 27, 2024 | Special Edition

Swimming is one of the most popular extracurricular sporting activities for children. Fun and full of benefits, swimming is the ideal activity for babies and toddlers. That's why Kidlee and Swim Starsthe national network of swimming lessons, have formed a partnership to help your children benefit from the many advantages of swimming. The program includes swimming lessons, Auto-Rescue® and anti-drowning courses, learning, improvement and lifesaving. Nice program, isn't it? We'll tell you all about our partnership with Kidlee and Swim Stars without further ado.

What are the benefits of swimming for your children?

Swimming is much more than just a fun activity. concentrated psychomotor benefits. What's more, anyone can do it. That's why so many swimming courses are dedicated to this sport. for children from an early age. This is the case for baby-swimming classes. The baby is immersed in the pool before he or she learns to walk. 

The ease of immersion in the pool is due to baby's relationship with amniotic fluid during the nine months of pregnancy. From the moment of contact with water, all baby's senses will be awakened and his motor and sensory activity developed.

Kidlee and Swim Stars

The main benefit of swimming for children is to develop their motor skills. Thanks to this activity, your child will be able to discover previously unknown sensations, such as coordination, flexibility and self-esteem.

Swimming allows you to use all your child's muscles in harmony, increasing his or her endurance capacity. In addition to its motor benefits, swimming will also develop independence, autonomy and self-esteem, and help your child manage stress and anxiety. This will have a positive impact on his grades at school and later on his future.

A collaboration and partnership of choice between Kidlee and Swim Stars

Smart baby-sitting agency in the Paris region Kidlee and Swim Starsthe world's largest network of swimming lessons, have formed a partnership. At Kidlee, we understand the benefits of this extracurricular activity for children. 

Kidlee and Swim Stars

To celebrate this collaboration, Kidlee and Swim Stars have come up with a tempting offer: Kidlee offers 2 hours of babysitting on the first invoice. We'll also cover the cost of putting you in touch with us.

To benefit from this unique offer, simply mention the promo code Swim Stars : Swimstarskidlee. 

With Kidlee and Swim StarsYour child can be introduced to the world of swimming and venture into the world of Smart Babysitting. An intelligent approach to childcare based on a cognitive approach and music.
Register now so that your child can benefit from quality support thanks to Kidlee and Swim Stars and social skills, in a safe, stimulating and fun environment.

Kidlee and Swim Stars

Let your child experience the benefits of Swim Stars pool lessons and develop his or her skills. artistic skills and quality learning with Kidlee. Two distinct worlds of adventure, sharing, learning and self-confidence.