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Home " Special Edition " The precariousness of baby-sitters is a struggle for all of us!

The precariousness of baby-sitters is the struggle of all of us!

par | Sep 14, 2023 | Special Edition

📣 Babysitting at Disproportionate Rates: Fairness and Transparency Must Prevail!

Dear all,

I'd like to take the liberty of asking you today about an issue that concerns many of us: babysitting rates. At a time when the quality of children's education and well-being is at the heart of parents' concerns, it's high time to set the record straight on fairness and transparency.

🔍 The Great Imbalance: Deeply rooted injustice

To highlight this problem, let's take a real-life example. A family needing 75 hours of childcare a month would pay the agency around €1950 at an average rate of €26/hour. The babysitter's share? A paltry €660 net for the month, barely a third of what the family pays. The sense of injustice is palpable, both for parents seeking transparency and for babysitters who aspire to fair remuneration for their work.

🤝Parents in Search of Quality

Parents are willing to invest to provide the best possible environment for their children. And it's not uncommon for parents who already use agency services to feel obliged to tip on top of the agency rate, just to ensure the loyalty and well-being of their babysitter.

🌟Transparency: A Duty

Not only is there a significant gap between the parental fee and the babysitter's remuneration, but hidden costs such as registration fees or search fees add a further layer of intransparency. So where does this substantial gap go?

🎓 Student Precariousness: More than a Challenge, a Social Emergency

Many students rely on babysitting as their main source of income. With such low pay, how can they balance study and work without sacrificing their quality of life and academic results?

🙌You can do something about it!!! 

At Kidleeour "Duo" offer provides a tangible solution for restoring balance! 

Our offer allows families who already have a babysitter to join Kidlee with her! The family saves over 10 % and the babysitter's income is boosted by up to 50 %. 

To take the example of the family that needs 75 hours a month and pays €26/hour (before subsidies), we would save the family €225/month, or €2,000 over the school year. For the babysitter, we'd take her from €660 net/month to over €1,000/month!  

Of course, parents continue to receive financial aid (CAF and tax credit).

👉 Interested in our duo offer? Fill in this short form to check your eligibility and receive a proposal https://crcc3vnpyjg.typeform.com/to/TwGTbNnG

🌟 About Kidlee

We're Kidlee, and our mission is simple: to set a standard of fairness and transparency in an industry that sorely needs it.

We help parents and babysitters who are looking for a childcare solution, as well as parents who already have a solution, to make it more equitable! 

Together, let's take a step towards a fairer, more transparent industry. Thank you for reading, and please feel free to share if you too think change is needed.