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Home " Do It Yourself " 4 easy decorations to make with the kids for Halloween!

4 easy decorations to make with the kids for Halloween!

par | Oct 29, 2022 | News, Decorations, Do It Yourself

In the United States, Halloween is a real institution. The streets are decorated, the costumes are particularly elaborate and each child digs his own pumpkin. In France, this annual holiday is less celebrated, but that's no reason not to enjoy it with the kids by making great Halloween decorations!

Halloween is not only about candy and costumes! It's also the perfect time to get creative with your kids. Home decorating, crafts... Everything is suitable for a demonic transformation. To do this, Kidlee offers you these 4 great decorating ideas to test!

Customized pumpkins 

Halloween decorations
  • A pumpkin
  • Food or paint pens 
  • An overflowing imagination 

The pumpkin is the symbol of the Halloween party, among the best Halloween decorations. The tradition is to carve it after emptying it, then we pierce big scary eyes, a big mouth with menacing teeth. Finally, a lighted candle is placed inside, the flickering flame of the candle will scare the children on the evening of October 31.

We customize our pumpkins with paint or stickers. It's the kids' favorite activity!

Hanging ghosts

  • Spheres that you can hang
  • White sheets 

With a few pieces of fabric and a little paint, you get these ghosts to hang all over your house!

Customize balloons

  • Balloons
  • Felt Pens

A black felt pen and balloons, an ultra easy DIY that kids will love! 

Mummy candle holders

  • Candle holders or jam jar
  • Bandage 
  • Decorative eyes

Bring a touch of Halloween to your candle holders by turning them into a mummy with your kids. 

With a little imagination, most of the existing games will fit perfectly with this theme.