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Babysitter: 5 tips for a successful nanny photo!

par | Mar 5, 2021 | Babysitting, Babysitting tips

It's decided, you want to become a top nanny! So, where to start? First of all, a little tour on kidlee to register and create your babysitter account. Secondly, you will have to start filling in this account. This step is quite easy except for the choice of the profile picture. Indeed, the choice of your babysitter profile is more difficult than choosing your profile picture on your social networks. Don't panic, Kidlee is here to guide you. Here are 5 tips to help you make the best choice for a great baby sitter profile.

5 tips for a successful nanny photo 

Smile, you are a nanny!

Sure, this picture is meant to open the doors to the world of work and babysitting, but that doesn't mean you should pout. Parents are looking for happy baby sitters who can brighten up their children's days. If you look like you do on your ID card, you're not going to get the job done. And neither will your application...

A professional profile picture without a professional photographer

The most important thing is to give the impression that you are professional. Here's how to make your photo look good in no time.

  • Ask a friend or family member to take your picture.
  • Choose a suitable background, a sober background with a good luminosity.
  • Put yourself in front or slightly in profile and put on your best smile.

Babysitter profile: be yourself 

If you put a photo of yourself that is several years old with a different hair color or a photo in a different style of dress than yours, it could cause problems. Indeed, parents and even childcare agencies, if you go through a babysitting website, might wonder about your credibility at the first meeting. Therefore, it is always useful to choose a recent photo. Your photo should represent you as you are in everyday life. If you have changed your appearance, consider changing your profile picture as well. It is important to give parents an image that represents your current physical appearance. So, forget about photos that are 3 years old or more.

Babysiiter profile picture: 3 girls taking a selfie

Choose a solo photo

At first glance, putting a picture with a group or family seems like a good idea to show that you are an extrovert. However, this is far from the case. A photo with several people in it will leave parents confused about who the babysitter is. You are the one who will be babysitting, so a photo of you alone will be ideal!

A legible profile picture

You need a clear, legible and properly pixilated photo. It is not a passport photo, or your ears should be visible, but a minimum. For example, putting on a pair of sunglasses is to be avoided. If you hide your face, and sunglasses do, you give the impression that you have something to hide. And since, many parents base their judgement of your application on first impressions, it's important to get it right.

The 2 mistakes not to make for your babysitter profile picture

No filter, no Photoshop

It is strongly discouraged to change your appearance with filters. So, the idea of removing your piercing with photoshop, we forget. So, once again, be yourself in your babysitter profile picture! By the way, at the moment, there is a movement in England to stop the use of filters, the #Filterdrop.

Profile picture babysitter : a nanny with a child

Top nanny: no profile picture with a child 

To show that you are a top nanny, you may think that a babysitter profile picture with a happy child by your side is a plus. But in reality, it will be a hindrance for your application. Indeed, parents will wonder if you have the authorization to use the photo with the child in question. And then, they will wonder if you will dare to do the same thing with their children. Without knowing you, they will judge that you are not a trustworthy person to look after children.

Now you have everything you need to make your babysitter profile stand out with a photo!