Babysitting Rueil-Malmaison
All the good reasons to use Kidlee to find your baby-sitter in Rueil-Malmaison
Kidlee lets you find a babysitter in just a few clicks, without having to go anywhere. All you have to do is log on to our site and enter a few details about the services and hours you'd like. Once you've registered, you can make an appointment with the team directly on your personal Kidlee space. The great thing about Kidlee is that you'll be able to benefit from our professional's services within a week. Fast and convenient, you won't regret your choice.
We're here to help you delegate all your tasks to your baby-sitter in Rueil-Malmaison. Whether you're looking for playful or bilingual childcare, part-time or full-time, we guarantee quality and security.
You'll also benefit from personalized support for your child. We take care to select just for you the right baby-sitter from Rueil-Malmaison to meet your exact needs.
Finding a babysitter in Rueil-Malmaison is now quick and easy.
Our bilingual babysitting or childcare services in Rueil-Malmaison include:
- picking up your little ones from school
- support for extracurricular activities
- fun learning activities at home
- outdoor activities
They are accompanied, if you wish, by homework help and the preparation of snacks and dinner.
To be on the safe side, all the profiles of our babysitting in Rueil-Malmaison are checked before they are entrusted to families. Your child will then be able to blossom in total safety in the company of our favorite babysitter, on a moral, cognitive and emotional level, by taking part in fun activities based on autonomy and learning.
State aid, including
you benefit from
baby-sitter services
in Rueil-Malmaison
To help you, our site offers a free 100 % simulation tool for better budget management.
There are two types of state aid: the "complément de choix de mode de garde" (childcare choice supplement) and the "crédit d'impôt" (tax credit).
CMG or Complément de choix de mode de garde (childcare choice supplement)
The amount of the CMG varies according to your income, the age of your children and the number of children in your care. For example, for children aged 3 to 6, you can receive a minimum of €350.
The tax credit
This tax advantage is especially for families employing a baby-sitter, nanny or parental auxiliary. Thanks to the tax credit, you can save up to 50 % on expenses relating to your childcare in Rueil-Malmaison.
You don't have to worry about the paperwork, our team will take care of it for less stress and hassle.
Become a babysitter in Levallois-Perret and work with confidence with Kidlee
We are looking for trustworthy people who love children to meet all their needs. You'll be perfectly supervised by our teams, so that you can work in a fun and fulfilling environment.
You will be placed with the family closest to your home. Your tasks will be planned, and you'll receive training and advice throughout your placement.
You benefit from responsible rates for the entire duration of your contract. babysitting in Levallois-Perret.