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Recycling workshop: top 5 toys to make

par | Mar 17, 2021 | Babysitting tips, Do It Yourself, Parents

To make children aware of ecology and environmental protection is a step towards the sustainable developmentBut children should also know that being eco-responsible is also very fun and rewarding! Kidlee lists for you 5 great toys to make through a recycling workshop to have fun and protect the planet at the same time!

Recycling bin to initiate children


To introduce children to recycling and adopt a healthy lifestyle based on sustainable development. We suggest you start with a workshop to make a mini recycling bin. Once made, place the mini bin next to the real one. recycling bin. The children can refer to it to determine whether or not the containers used are recyclable.

This DIY bin activity will not only introduce children to recycling, but also explain to them that it is possible to give a second life to recyclable objects and make great toys out of them! In addition to having new toys that they will have made themselves, they do a good thing for the planet! Find this DIY on Educatout !

Creative recycling workshop: snow globe with old plastic toys:  

Recycling workshop of old toys

To give new life to the old plastic figurines that children no longer use, why not make a glittery snowball out of them! 

First, gather the following items: 

  • 1 glass jar (here a baby jar)
  • 1 tube of strong glue
  • of water
  • 1 figurine
  • glitter

This recycling workshop for children is as simple as it is fun to make!

First, we'll start by choosing the figurine your child wants to reuse and we'll glue it to the lid with strong glue. 

On the other side, put the glitter in the jar with water. Make sure there is not too much water so that it does not overflow. 

Finally, put strong glue on the rim of the glass jar and close with the lid.

Donate old toys to an association

Of course, it's not possible to turn every old toy into a snow globe. However, you can encourage children to donate toys they no longer like to a charity! There are several associations that recover old toys. For exampleassociation Rejoué.

This association fight against waste and encourages the policy of zero waste ! Each year, the members collect discarded, old or damaged toys. Then, they clean them, repair them and sell them at low prices to children's professionals or to individuals. Of course, each year Rejoué also gives a quota of refurbished toys to children in need.

Be a part of the circular economy and give new life to your children's old toys by simply going to a collection point

Recycling workshop: Sumo bowling!

Plastic bottle bowling game

Turn your plastic bottles into sumo bowling pins! Isn't this a creative recycling workshop? 

You will therefore need : 

  • 6 small round plastic bottles (clean and dry)
  • Pink, black and white paint
  • Brush
  • Black permanent marker
  • Balloon

Take an old tablecloth to protect the work area and an apron and let's go to the preparation: 

  • Pour a little pink paint into each bottle, then close and shake to distribute the paint and cover the inside of the bottles.
  • Open the bottles and remove the excess paint, then let it dry. To speed up the process, you can use a hair dryer.
  • Once the bottle is dry, put the cap back on and paint the outside. Use black paint for the sumo's hair and bun. Use white paint for the pants and felt pen to draw the face.
  • Catch the ball and let the bowling begin! 

This activity for children will allow them to have fun while being eco-friendly!

Find this DIY in detail by clicking on the source : GuideTips

Maracas with toilet paper rolls! 

Toilet paper roll recycling workshop

If there's one material in the recycling bin that you should keep, it's the toilet paper roll! 

With this one, there are plenty of DIY ideas available to you! Among these, we chose to share the one about maracas! 

You will need to : 

  • 2 rolls of toilet paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue gun
  • Plastic milk bottle caps
  • Rice 
  • Glue
  • Gift paper

First, we will cut and glue the wrapping paper around the roll to look pretty. Then, with the help of the glue gun, we will glue a cap on the end of the roll to be able to add the rice which will play melodious music. Finally, we stick the second cap to close the roll. Easy!  

Recycling workshop for kids who love soccer! Foosball 

Shoebox soccer

For kids who love soccer, this recycling workshop is ideal! Set up your own foosball game! In addition to being a much loved game, this foosball table will be portable! Your child can take it to play with friends! 

Find this DIY on the website of Modelling head by clicking here